Laryngoscopie directe
Maintien du rachis
Neck - head - hands - scoop - pull back
Suction assisted laryngoscopy airway decontamination (SALAD)
The SALAD level-1 technique: oral decontamination was first performed by suctioning the oropharynx with a suction catheter (a) followed by insertion of the laryngoscopy blade hugging the anterior surface of the tongue. (b) The suction catheter was functioned as a tongue lifter to adjust the position of the video laryngoscope. (c) The suction catheter was then repositioned to the left corner of the patient’s mouth. (d) The tip of suction catheter was inserted into the proximal esophagus for continuous suction. (e) The laryngoscope blade was then slightly rotated leftward 30° to open a channel on right corner of mouth to facilitate ETT passage (f to h). The SALAD-2 technique: an esophageal diversion procedure was first performed by deliberately inserting a 7.0-mm cuffed ETT into the esophagus to divert the gastroesophageal content. (i) ETI was then performed same as SALAD-1 (j).